»Any expansion of our knowledge arises
from making the unconscious conscious.«(Friedrich Nietzsche)

They are used for personal development, self-reflection and enjoyment. We invite you, as a participant, to have individually enriching experiences, exchange ideas and learn from each other, for the benefit of your own individual life as well as the work world. The topics stimulate confrontation with the actual conditions and future trends in the world, with society, with organisational structures and with personal identity.
If you would like to request an offer for an in-house event, the presentation and the orientation of the content will be adapted as needed.
Qualification »Leading Agile Change« (March to September 2021 - virtual)
Our qualification is aimed at all people in companies who want to strengthen their transformational power in order to become a lever of change themselves – whether in organizational development, as an HR professional, interim manager, decision-maker or executive. In four compact, virtually conducted modules (2.5 days each), you will experience a highly condensed “best-of” of pragmatic approaches and tools that will enable you to become immediately effective in your company as a change leader. more
Online Workshop: Advanced Skills for Leading Remote Teams (starting February 2021)
The novelty of working remotely has worn off, and more teams are noticing the strain from a lack of in-person encounters. Stress accumulates, conflicts start to escalate, and you as a leader are more needed than ever to keep the team from falling apart. Building on our very successful online workshop »Leading Remote Teams«, we now offer »Advanced Skills for Leading Remote Teams«. There is no need to have completed the first workshop to benefit from this one. more
Leading Remote Teams – Successful Digital Leadership (starting April 2020)
One side effect of the Covid-19 situation is that more and more companies are suddenly faced with teams working from home. Many leaders have to figure out on-the-fly how to manage and lead their team remotely. To help succeed at this new challenge, SYNNECTA is offering on-demand online workshops Leading Remote Teams.
Leading remotely includes some unique challenges and pitfalls. SYNNECTA consultants have been leading teams and managing projects remotely for many years. We have learned much about how to keep a team together, which mistakes to avoid and what is important for leadership beyond just applying methods. The unique skills for building and maintaining trust online are also valuable support for leaders in this new situation. This knowledge is not dependent on special technology beyond regular videoconference software. more