

SYNNECTA is your partner for managing the social side of your company. We are there for you when it comes to decisions, changes and processes that have an effect on the people in your organisation. In all honesty, that includes all decisions. As soon as you bring movement into your enterprise, you are moving people. Let‘s move in the right direction.

SYNNECTA offers a range of formats: online, offline, open or closed – seminars, events, coaching sessions or workshops. All our formats are tried and tested. They serve the development of personalities, self-reflection and enjoyment. We invite you, our participants, to experience personal enrichment, to engage with each other and to learn from each other for your personal as well as your work life. Our topics invite you to confront the world as it is now as well as the issues we are facing in the future: in society, in organisational structures and in personal identities. Offers booked as in-house events can be adapted in structure and content where needed.

Our Services
Organizational Development

We involve people – contribution not execution. People want to contribute – want to not have to. These two premises are instrumental for the successful development of an organisation (such as digitalisation or becoming more agile). Our approaches and formats draw people in, motivate people and enable people to help them become a driving force in their organisation.

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Change Management

Reorganisation. New IT system. Process changes. Strategy roll-out. Any of these can trigger change processes that touch people. We design your change processes together with you and are there for everyone who is involved. We offer guidance and foster understanding. We open spaces for dialogue and establish transparency. We lift blockades and enable movement.

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Cultural transformation

»It’s always been done like that here!« expresses the power of culture like nothing else. What is culture? We enable you to speak about culture in your organization. Cultural transformation is a journey, not a project. The destination is yet to be revealed. The road there is paved with every step. Let us share this uncertain and unusual process with you. We deliver the concepts, ideas and tools (such as Spectre of Balance). We’ll be your companion as you move forwards.

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Leadership Education

Lead, manage, curate, coach, decide, listen, drive, innovate, provide structure, resolve conflicts, be a contact, be the boss, narrate, realise, provide a strategy, be the entrepreneur: The roles of modern management are diverse, demanding and at times contradictory. We are there for managers and management teams by coaching, advising, being sparring partners, supervising, offering critique, listening, giving feedback. Our interactive and dialogue-guided leadership meetings open up new perspectives on leadership and its meaning within your organisation.

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Team Education

Teams are competent in their fields. They have expertise. They are also typically tightly bound into a cohesive net of relationships. That is why professional topics and factual discussions can easily slip onto a personal level in teams. We help teams raise their potential by focussing on people and their needs, their experiences and perspectives. We are passionate about providing a space for diversity in teams and guiding team members towards their own strengths with tools such as role concepts.

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Experienced SYNNECTA consultants will provide support during coaching conversations and will make use of various analytic instruments that match your situation and your goal (such as MBTI, Reiss profile, BIP, SYNNECTA 360° Feedback), so that we have a firm basis for reflection.

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Wherever people come together, there‘s no avoiding conflict. Our conflict training and coaching sessions sensitize the participants for a reflected and circumspect engagement with conflicts, influence their inner attitudes and seek out conflict management strategies. We provide tools and offer exercises that increase the chances of conflict resolution. As mediators we seek acceptable solutions for all those involved even in escalating situations.

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Diversity. Of course! Unfortunately, it rarely goes beyond lip service. We want more! For us, diversity in organisations goes hand in hand with questioning participation and determination and therefore also privilege and power. We want our work to open up spaces for diversity in organisations. Diversity can be used as a resource, and new perspectives must be heard. We are absolutely certain that diversity is much more than just a colourful concept!

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Go digital
Virtual OD by SYNNECTA

In future, culture will be even more important in organizations. Culture fills gaps that cannot be bridged by structures and traditional processes alone. Virtual organization development – Virtual OD by SYNNECTA – provides sustainable support to this aspect.

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Online Coaching

SYNNECTA Online Coaching is confidential, competent and to the point: crisis coaching, vocational change, remote leadership, paraenetic coaching, agile coaching, Stop: Let’s take stock.

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Online Workshop: Advanced Skills for Leading Remote Teams

The novelty of working remotely has worn off, and more teams are noticing the strain from a lack of in-person encounters. Stress accumulates, conflicts start to escalate, and you as a leader are more needed than ever to keep the team from falling apart. Building on our very successful online workshop »Leading Remote Teams«, we now offer »Advanced Skills for Leading Remote Teams«

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Leading Remote Teams – Successful Digital Leadership

One side effect of the Covid-19 situation is that more and more companies are suddenly faced with teams working from home. Many leaders have to figure out on-the-fly how to manage and lead their team remotely. To help succeed at this new challenge, SYNNECTA is offering on-demand online workshops Leading Remote Teams.

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Corona Crisis Leadership

Combining patterns of success from past projects, we have assembled an instant programme on a virtual basis. It will help management teams adjust to crisis mode and steer their company and their employees through the Covid crisis with agility in mind.

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Virtual supervision

Our group supervisions provide a space to look into the interior conflict, for everyone to bring their own thoughts in order and reflect on and direct their own feelings. We provide an opportunity for exchange, for expanding our horizons and finding new modes of action so that you can go back to providing others with the security, respite and orientation they need.

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Virtual Meet-Ups

Online meetings have many advantages as long as they are well designed. However, the reality often differs. Telephone conferences and virtual meetings in everyday business life often suffer from: (1) a lack of focus, (2) a lack of orientation, (3) insufficient participation, (4) shortfalls in implementing agreements.

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Speak to us!

We look forward to providing answers to your questions. In order to best understand your situation and needs we request a face-to-face meeting, for this helps create the space for the stimulation, free association and concentration needed for successful cooperation.

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