A consultative approach for professional sports

Can you run? Do you also like to jog? Have you heard about »Parkour«?
»Parkour« is a little sport created by David Belle. Many enthusiasts view this form of movement as an art, in which the participant, the »traceur«, takes a straight path from A to a self-imposed target B in an urban environment, while overcoming all the obstacles that arise in the process (rubbish bins, benches, walls, etc.). In the James Bond film »Casino Royale« (2006), a chase scene in the style of a »parkour« takes place.
The supporters of the artistic idea of the sport do not like this commercialisation. Other enthusiasts recognise in it a popular sport and strive to market it or employ it as a school sport. What does that have to do with consulting or consulting in sports? Professional sports function in precisely this tension between attractiveness, the enthusiasm of people and economic and athletic success.
Between attractiveness and athletic success
Organisations in professional sports have evolved in recent decades from clubs to commercial enterprises. In the process, the original quest for athletic success has remained. Added to this is the need of appeal for the athletes, spectators, fans and sponsors alike, in order to achieve economic success with these factors and to ensure it over the long term. The targeted identification of these people with the sport and the club has two sides, though. Due to the great public interest with a corresponding media presence and the high degree of emotionality in sports, this sensitive area of tension involving success and appeal is exposed almost weekly to tremendous pressure. What is needed is a sustainable guidance that goes beyond the normal waves of victory and defeat in professional sports.
To lead athletic systems to long-term success, we have to fundamentally rethink them. It is necessary to use the various control levers together and in coordination with each other. In sports, the management of sportand economic factors, including marketing, are currently used to achieve success. In the private sector, the management of social systems has emerged as a crucial lever for sustainable development and changes in companies. That is our expertise.
We mobilise the people
By working on visions, mission, strategy, culture, values, teams and much more, we bring new energy into the field of tension between appeal and success and mobilise the people of the system.
The knock-on effect of the factors of vision, team spirit, communality and values such as competitive spirit and authenticity was highlighted by two sports fairy tales in Germany in 2006. Germany slipped from a summer fairy tale (the World Cup) into the winter fairy tale (the Handball World Championship). But this wave of euphoria also had to be worked on in order not to peter out. We invite you to use our proven approaches and methods from the business world in your field.